I am sure you will be glad you came across a post that will give you a detailed explanation on what Alabaster box is all about.
I promise at the end of this article, you will thank me for writing on this topic.

To start with, it’s important you know that the holy book talks about the Alabaster box for two different times and both cases involves women. One of the two instances when Alabaster box is when Mary of Bethany brought ointment in the box to anoint the chgild of God (Jesus Christ).

The term Alabaster box as used in the King James Version Bible was translated as “Jar”, “Vial” and “Flask”. In other translations is Alabastron which means “Perfume Vase”.
In general context, we will agree that the Alabastron or Alabaster box can be a box, vial or container of perfume. The term Alabastron can be traced far back to Alabastron in Egypt. This Alabastron Egypt is a place where white marble could be found. Egyptians Alabaster is also known as Onyx-Marble.

From the on-set, Alabastron were made originally from this marble in Egypt because it is perfect to keep the scent of the fragrance intact and safe. As time passed modifications started happening and alabastrons were now made from other materials like clay, glass thread, ivory, glass, silver and Gold.
Alabaster box is usually in a sort of long, narrow necked vase/ flask form without handle, however, while some alabastrons were designed ornately, most were designed to preserve the odor of fragrance for a long period of time If sealed(Some fragrance will last centuries when they are preserved on an alabaster box.
While some of the alabastrons are sealed, some have a stopper which makes the daily use of the perfume convenient. The once with stoppers are for long term use while the ones sealed are to be used ones, after the seal is broken.

Because the sealed alabastrons will be used once, it was an ideal inclusion in women’s dowry and the perfume will only be opened and used at a burial.
I think we have covered the real and conceptual part of the Alabaster bps, let’s now look into the scriptures and discuss instances where the Alabaster box was used.
The bible has recorded several accounts where women anointing Jesus with perfume and some of this verse referenced the alabaster box (alabastron).
One of the occurrences was when Mary anointed the feet of Jesus Christ with a pint of nerd six days before Passover in Bethany (John 12:1)- but the verse didn’t say anything about where the perfume was stored, whether in an Alabastron or not. Regardless of that, it would have been very expensive.
Two days to the Passover Jesus Christ was also in Bethany again in the home of Simon the Leper. It was at this place that a lady broke an alabastron or the seal and poured the entire content on his head (Matt26;1-13 and Mark 14:1-11).

The alabastron was an immensely expensive gift (the entire flask of perfume including the jar itself) but was rich in symbolism for his upcoming burial.
Long before the Passover, during the early part of his ministry, Jesus has been anointed with an abastron by another woman (Luke 7:36- Luke 8:3).
This happened in the name of a Pharisee woman who had lived a sinful life. This woman wept and wet the feet of Jesus Christ with tears and she poured perfume on his feet. The scripture didn’t record how much the alabastron is worth and whether it is an alabastron with stopper. Unlike later when he now compared the step the woman took to preparation for burial and here he talked about the woman’s great love. The woman action was of the deepest repentance and adoration whereas the host of Jesus even failed to give him at least surface hospitality.

I am sure at this point, you now have a clear understanding of what the Alabaster box and how precious it is.
The bottom line of the text is that the Alabaster box if used to store fragrance for either long or short period of time and it two people have used it to show love to the Son of man.

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