Why Do People Feel They Can Disrespect God’s House.

Let's just clear the air, the church is being disrespected on every hand. We must learn and put into practice the respect that God's house deserves.

There are a number of rude ill-mannered things and many reasons why people feel they can disrespect God’s house. Below is a list of many things we should and should not do as children of God, especially in the household of faith. It has become widespread throughout our nation that any thing goes in our journey with Christ, as well as in the church. How we carry ourselves at the job, drinking, cursing, and our dress attire; as well as a host of other issues. For this reason, this is “Why people feel they can disrespect God’s house”. I am here to inform you that God is not pleased with our behavior, mines, yours and anyone else who confesses to be Saints. I remember when I first received Christ as my personal savior, I was so careful not to offend anyone especially God. Respect is a must.

I wanted to do everything that was required of me. It was very important to be in align with the word of God. Not appearing in church for show, but a sincere worship experience with God. If you got an invitation to be at the White House once a week, for a year, what would you do? Happily tell your friends, carefully pick out what to wear, probably start taking etiquette classes. All because you don’t just want to look prim and proper but also know behave as an elite. Do you go through that same process when you have to go to God’s house? No? Certainly you would want to look your best to visit the White House, while there you’d carefully observe manners, walk quietly, talk with respect and watch your words. Why then do we not do same and more when going to God’s house?

I’ve got quite a lot of questions on my mind:

Why do we dress casually to God’s house?
Why do we not make proper spiritual preparations before going to God’s House?
Why are we so loud in God’s house these days?
So many whys but they all have one answer. We do not respect God’s house, there is zero reverence for His house today!!! We would rather save our manners for the White House, or some pretentious dinner.

How Do People Disrespect God’s House And Why? Listed below are the many ways. Please take note, God is not pleased. For some reason, quite a number of young people don’t feel they disrespect God in the way they dress or behave in his house. Regrettably, some old people are equally joining this terrible school of thought.

In truth, wearing the right clothes and having the right manners has always been key things to watch out for when attending an activity. You wouldn’t wear a ballet gown to a football match, would you? Or a wedding gown to a funeral? Without a doubt, certain outfits like sportswear are not appropriate for church same as you won’t wear it to a wedding, funeral or some other special occasion. Indifferent, immature and ignorant people are the ones who insist there is no appropriate dressing for church.

One way even professing Christians have shown they do not respect or reverence God is through their dressing and behavior.
Years and years ago, church etiquette demanded appropriate dressing and respectful behavior, but not today. Today we have the ‘anything goes’ generation tearing down every single church etiquette one ad at a time. We see ‘come as you are’, ads everywhere. Basically telling everybody there’s freedom to dress how you want to church. Ripped jeans, shorts, crop tops and thigh length gowns are the order of the day. People excuse this flagrant show of shame with words like ‘God loves everyone and it’s the only way to drag sinful youths to church’. But guess what, they’ll continue their lifestyle because your churches are no different from the clubs you pulled them from.

How did we get from a time when the church was the standard to where we are now?

I’ll tell you, the Church went from revolving around Christ to revolving around man. In the past, we did not burst into a round of applause when someone sang a song, or scream ‘preach on preacher’ when the preacher gave the sermon. The church was a solemn place, somewhere you respectfully went to connect with God when you needed peace and quiet. Right now, churches are more of entertainment centers than worship grounds. With loud instrumentals, we sing rap and rap songs in God’s house, crack jokes about the Bible on the altar. Obviously, God’s house is not a house of prayer and worship anymore but a place of entertainment. We even ‘set the mood’ with LED and strobe lights, have movie nights, sports fests, award nights, dramas and even pageants just so everyone can relax and have fun. Bible studies have been reduced to the barest minimum and prayer meetings are almost extinct. These days, Christians will study every book except the Bible.

Let’s look to the Bible to know what God says about decorum and respect
“Your priests violated my law and desecrated my holy things. They can’t tell the difference between sacred and secular. They tell people there’s no difference between right and wrong. They’re contemptuous of my Holy Sabbath, profaning me by trying to pull me down to their level” (Ezekiel 22:26 MSG). Have ye not read, “Jesus said, “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer” (Matthew 21: 13 KJV) Obviously, it is God’s command that we reverence and respect him. We see during the cleansing of the temple that God does not want his house to be anything but a place of prayer yet routinely churches hold fairs and sales in God’s house. He finds all these disrespectful.

How To Respect God’s House:

Here’s a couple of tips I picked up while reading from books from a generation that respected and revered God.

1. Don’t do anything irrelevant in God’s house. Giggle, passing notes, cell phones, whispering and chatter during service is totally out of place. When in church, watch your tone of conduct

2. Kindly do not hail on people while in the church as this would cause a racket if everyone decided to do same. Wait till service is over and then engage as long as you please.

3. Dress suitably as you would when attending a high brow function. Loud and attention drawing outfits are out of place in a place of worship.

4. Don’t block the flow of passage after service by engaging in long conversations in the aisles and doorway. Excessive walking or sleeping.

5. The church is a place to collectively seek help from God, treat it with the highest reverence possible. Reverence is expressed in quietness, attentiveness, and dignity in dressing.

6. Clicks in the Church are an absolute disgrace in the eye sight of God. Clicks seem to be geared at making others feel less than.

So look at God’s house around you, and ask yourself what would Jesus do if he came? Would he commend its members for a job well done or would he have to do a great cleansing because it is a house of entertainment, not prayer or praising. Do you intend to go to church year after year only to lose our souls and go to hell anyway? In this discussion I need you to see the buffoonery that takes place in the church today, and how serious it is to live a life of holiness.

It’s not that God cares about what we wear, but when your clothing is too tight, it shows every little bump, bulge, curves, pantie lines, and nipples. Simply put, it leaves nothing to the imagination, and men absolutely distracted from the purpose of why they are even at church, especially in the African-American church. It almost feel like a night club and anything goes. The women lack modesty, will leave you speechless to say the least. One should not ever want it to be said, that they are the reason that men are having a hard time sitting through Sunday service.

With Tops off the shoulders, backs are out, shirts are shear, skirts and dresses are skin tight, of course it’s hard to not look. I’mean not saying to these ladies not to dress nice for their husbands, or Fiancée. What I am saying is be selected as to how tight, or which outfits are more suitable for church and the ones which aren’t.  Note that God does look at the heart, and mere humans look at the outer appearance.  But let’s be honest, it’s a little hard to see and not form an opinion. Women haven’t been taught, that sexy is what you can’t see. Or to leave something to the imagination for your special person.

Years ago, we had little old ladies that would teach the young women about their dress attire, as well as how to carry themselves as woman of God. That honor and respect was foremost as Christian women. I thought they came across a bit harsh, but today we almost need those little old missionaries.  Okay now let me say, yes there is a way to say these things. It is my belief today that the preachers just want the numbers, because the more numbers you have, the more tithes you have. Let me say again,  it’s not about the clothing or at least it shouldn’t be. Because I am not foolish, I know you can wear the appropriate attire and your heart be as filthy rags. Which is a greater issue than wearing that skin tight dress with your cleavage out, and the possibility of the church members seeing all your goodies if you should bend over in the slightest.

God forbid we run someone away from the household of faith, or tempt that other lay member to fall into sin. No man knows the intent of their fellow brother or sister in the Lord. We can only pray we don’the fall into temptation or that our hearts are pure, only purity will do. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God ( Psalm 24:3-5) Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10) We are to project grace, love and kindness toward one another.

It it were not for the fact that I know personally that God is real. When I stumble and fall, I would never get back up again. For the many things I have seen during a service would leave you speechless. As a woman of God, I know God is calling for me to be real, for me to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself, to acknowledge God with my whole heart. To ignore the people and keep my focus on the one true and Holy God. When I see something that is not quite right, I pray and ask God to intervene, for he is the only one who can fix the situation. I must work on Anita, which is the only job I am required to do, beside true worship and holy living. Honorable, respectful, and complete gratitude towards God and His house is the attitude we should be displaying each and every time we are in church.

ENCOURAGE YOURSELF: Dear friend, dressing inappropriately and an utter lack of decorum in God’s house shows disrespect, it is indeed an insult to God. Kindly refrain from this, spread the news and together we can restore the respect God’s house deserves.

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