Safe in His arms

You are safe when you put your trust in Jesus

Feeling safe in His arms is similar to putting your trust in God, knowing He will take care of you. He watches and attends to your every need and desires. You are safe in His arms when you can put your total trust in God our Father.

In 2014, I was attending the community college, going for Criminal Justice. One Friday afternoon I was headed to school to do some research when my heart started racing, I had to vomit. So I sat first, because of the heart situation. Then I went to the restroom and threw up.

Felt like a million bucks afterwards, so I proceeded to do what I needed to do. It was if nothing had happened. The next day I went back up to the school to do some more work. Everything went well, picked up my friend afterward and went to the movies. While purchasing the tickets it all happened again, I sat down, threw up, saw the movie and everything was fine. 

My friend said she thought we should go to the hospital. I, with my crazy self said “well lets go eat first “. We did just that. when we got to the hospital; they admitted me. The blood pressure was high, we told them about my symptoms. I was later admitted to a room, which I had the wonderful pleasure of staying until Thursday.

I had to have a procedure done once they realized I had a blockage, an artery near the heart. This entire ordeal frightened me somewhat. Knowing I had to make some serious changes to my life style. Starting with eating habits, exercise and nothing but positive vibes. I decided to rid my life of any negativity in my personal space. You might want to do the same.

It’s been said that stress kills, I was quite young in my eyes, and wasn’t just ready to leave this earth. So these new changes would have to be a way of life for me. Besides I had a little more weight than I cared to have. God was there for me, He had His arms around me, and gave me comfort knowing I was safe.

Encourage Yourself: There is safety in His arms! Tell someone today they are safe with Jesus Christ on their side.

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